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209 Adam Bechle
Adam Bechle
Office: 209Phone #: 608-263-5133Job Title: Coastal Engineering Outreach SpecialistEmail: bechle@wisc.eduOffice 209 is behind you. -
268 Melissa Boyce
Melissa Boyce
Office: 268Phone #: 608-263-3252Job Title: Chief Financial OfficerEmail: maboyce@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 268 is to your right -
205 Ginny Carlton
Ginny Carlton
Office: 205Phone #: 608-262-0645Job Title: Education Outreach SpecialistEmail: glcarlton@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 205 is behind you. -
Natalie Chin
Natalie Chin
Phone #: 715-399-4083Job Title: Climate and Tourism Outreach SpecialistEmail: nchin5@aqua.wisc.eduNatalie is located in Superior, WI -
Sarah Congdon
Sarah Congdon
Phone #: 608-265-2079Job Title: Creative ManagerEmail: -
Gavin Dehnert
Gavin Dehnert
Job Title: Emerging Contaminants Scientist UW-MadisonEmail: -
Dong-Fang Deng
Dong-Fang Deng
Phone #: 414-382-7597Job Title: Aquaculture Outreach and Extension SpecialistEmail: -
Tracy Hanke
Tracy Hanke
Phone #: 608-262-7618Job Title: Administrative DirectorEmail: -
201 David Hart
David Hart
Office: 201Phone #: 608-262-6515Job Title: Assistant Director for ExtensionEmail: dhart@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 201 is behind you. -
263 Jennifer Hauxwell
Jennifer Hauxwell
Office: 263Phone #: 608-263-4756Job Title: Associate DirectorEmail: jennifer.hauxwell@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 263 is to your right -
Sarah Kennedy
Sarah Kennedy
Phone #: 608-262-0644Job Title: Financial SpecialistEmail: -
Carrie Malone
Carrie Malone
Job Title: Resilience Outreach SpecialistEmail: -
Scott McComb
Scott McComb
Job Title: Southeast Wisconsin AIS Prevention CoordinatorEmail: -
Jenna Mertz
Jenna Mertz
Phone #: 608-262-6393Job Title: WriterEmail: -
Alison Mikulyuk
Alison Mikulyuk
Phone #: 608-263-3296Job Title: Water@UW-Madison Research Program CoordinatorEmail: -
Sharon Moen
Sharon Moen
Phone #: 218-591-2568Job Title: Food-Fish Outreach Coordinator -
247 Anne Moser
Anne Moser
Office: 247Phone #: 608-262-3069Job Title: Senior Special Librarian and Education CoordinatorEmail: akmoser@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 247 is to your left, around the corner -
Julia Noordyk
Julia Noordyk
Phone #: 920-465-2795Job Title: Water Quality and Coastal Communities Outreach SpecialistEmail: noordykj@uwgb.eduJulia is located in Green Bay, WI -
Deidre Peroff
Deidre Peroff
Phone #: 414-227-3291Job Title: Social Science Outreach SpecialistEmail: dmperoff@aqua.wisc.eduSchool of Freshwater Sciences in Milwaukee, WI -
Sarah Peterson
Sarah Peterson
Phone #: 608-262-1136Job Title: Community Engagement and Professional Development Manager Email: -
Christy Remucal
Christy Remucal
Phone #: 608-262-0905Job Title: Interim DirectorEmail: -
243 Andrew Savagian
Andrew Savagian
Office: 243Phone #: 608-263-5371Job Title: Communications Associate DirectorEmail: asavagian@wisc.eduOffice 243 is to your left, around the corner -
Jay Scholz
Jay Scholz
Phone #: 608-263-6961Job Title: IT System EngineerEmail: -
Titus Seilheimer
Titus Seilheimer
Phone #: 920-683-4697Job Title: Fisheries Outreach SpecialistEmail: tseilheimer@aqua.wisc.eduUW-Manitowac in Manitowac, WI -
Aaron Webster
Aaron Webster
Job Title: Financial SpecialistEmail: -
231 Elizabeth White
Elizabeth White
Office: 231Phone #: 608-265-4302Job Title: Senior EditorEmail: eawhite@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 231 is to your left, around the corner -
235 Bonnie Willison
Bonnie Willison
Office: 235Phone #: 608-263-8621Job Title: Video and Podcast ProducerEmail: bonnie@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 235 is to your left, around the corner -
256 Tom Xiong
Tom Xiong
Office: 256Phone #: 608-262-6170Job Title: Web DeveloperEmail: tomxiong@aqua.wisc.eduOffice 256 is to your left, around the corner -
Marie Zhuikov
Marie Zhuikov
Phone #: 715-399-4084Job Title: Science CommunicatorEmail: mzhuikov@aqua.wisc.eduLake Superior field office in Superior, WI
Tim Campbell
Tim Campbell
Phone #: 608-265-3727Job Title: Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach SpecialistEmail: tim@aqua.wisc.eduUW Extension in Madison, WI -
Emma Hauser
Emma Hauser
Phone #: 715-779-3262Job Title: Aquaculture Outreach and Education SpecialistEmail: ehauser@uwsp.eduUW-Stevens Point in Bayfield, WI -
259 Carolyn Voter
Carolyn Voter
Office: 259Office 259 is to your left, around the corner
202 Jimmy Camacho
Jimmy Camacho
Office: 202Office 202 is behind you. -
232A Laura Killingsworth
Laura Killingsworth
Office: 232AOffice 232A is to your left, around the corner -
206 David Koser
David Koser
Office: 206Office 206 is behind you. -
202 Lydia Salus
Lydia Salus
Office: 202Office 202 is behind you. -
202 Kayla Wandsnider
Kayla Wandsnider
Office: 202Office 202 is behind you. -
226 Sydney Widell
Sydney Widell
Office: 226Office 226 is to your left, around the corner -
202 Chelsey Wiletts
Chelsey Wiletts
Office: 202Office 202 is behind you. -
226 Morgan Witte
Morgan Witte
Office: 226Office 226 is to your left, around the corner
ASC Main Office 272
Conference Room 215
Media Room 206
Outreach Students 202
Publications/Deliveries 226
WI Water Library 238

Wisconsin Sea Grant is a statewide program of basic and applied research, education, and outreach and technology transfer dedicated to the stewardship and sustainable use of the nation's Great Lakes and ocean resources.
Headquartered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the institute is housed in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School's Aquatic Sciences Center. Wisconsin Sea Grant is part of a national network of 33 university-based programs funded through the National Sea Grant College Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, and through matching contributions from participating states and the private sector.

The Water Resources Institute coordinates research programs which are applicable to the solution of present and emerging water resource problems. In carrying out this mission, the Institute has developed a broadly based research, training, information transfer, and public service program involving personnel from many academic disciplines in the University of Wisconsin System.
The Wisconsin Institute is one of 54 Water Resources Research Institutes nationwide authorized by the federal Water Resources Research Act. The state-based Water Resources Research Institutes are located at land grant universities and promote research, training, and information dissemination on the nation's water resources problems.